
If you’ve found your way to this page, then I’m guessing you’ve been going through a horrible time after someone you love has died.  Even though we will all encounter the death of a loved one during a lifetime, and sadly it will normally be more than one, we have never really been taught how to deal with the grief that happens to us afterwards.  In the early days following the death there can be a sense of shock and disbelief but it tends to be a busy time arranging the funeral and probably with lots of people offering help and support.  Once this is over, everyone else goes back to normal but for the bereaved they are left in a sometimes overwhelming and bewildering new world where a lot of things are familiar, but everything has changed. 

Because we haven’t been taught how, we often don’t grieve in a way that brings us to a conclusion and we can be left with unresolved grief around our loss.  If we have regrets around the relationship, we had with the loved one who died, we can find ourselves going over and over things in our head as we try to accept the loss.  As we go through life and accumulate more losses unresolved grief can have a real impact on our ability to be happy. 

If you work with me as a client I not only provide support and a safe space to talk about your feelings but also an effective and structured set of actions to follow that will help you move beyond the pain of your loss.